Fat Cupid Gainer Erotica
Novelist Kevin Bannister is looking forward to finally having sex with men, after his marriage ends. But he worries the extra pounds he€s gained will stop his entry into hot man on man action before it starts. Little does he know there are guys who want a fat man€"the fatter the better. Join Kevin in a seductive journey of non-stop indulgence and where the softer he gets, the harder his jock feeder gets. (An adults only sexy tale of a hot chubby guy who is on the fat train to erotic pleasure.)
Kevin reached up and put his hand on John's...pulling it tighter against his belly, pushing against the softness...he felt the younger man's hand tracing his roll of fat and noticed that his eyes were wide and a really goofy smile was on his face. "Maybe you'd, you know...like to come over for dinner tonight?" John asked Kevin's fat. "I do some really rad pork chops...and I..." John jerked his eyes away from the dark wetness on Kevin's shirt and looked up worried into Kevin's face. "...I mean if you're Jewish or something, I hope that that didn't like, offend you...I could do a couple of steaks or something..." Their hands were still touching...
"Nah," said Kevin, his voice a little gruff..."Pork chops sound great...dinner sounds great." He looked at the half-consumed double mocha latte and then back at John. "...and hmmm, you look great." John's smile got even goofier.
"Eight?" he asked?
"Well," said John nervously, "I'm actually closer to six...."
"I meant the time."
"Huh? Oh, yeah--eight o'clock is just fine."
"And, well, closer to six is just fine too...look, John--I'm really excited by this"--and John glanced down to see that Kevin was telling the truth..."I mean, I just wanted to let you know this is all sort of new for me...my wife and I have been separated now for only a few months, and well..."
"Hey, Kevin...I'm just looking forward to seeing you...make sure you bring your appetite." He finally took his hand off Kevin's midsection to reach into his wallet and pull out a card with his address and phone number.