Fall of the House of Ramesses, Book 2: Seti: A Novel of Ancient Egypt (Fall of the House of Ramesses, Ancient Egyptian Novels)
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Fall of the House of Ramesses, Book 2: Seti: A Novel of Ancient Egypt (Fall of the House of Ramesses, Ancient Egyptian Novels)

Egypt was at the height of its powers in the days of Ramesses the Great, a young king who confidently predicted his House would last for a Thousand Years. Sixty years later, he was still on the throne. One by one, his heirs had died and the survivors had become old men. When Ramesses at last died, he left a stagnant kingdom and his throne to an old man--Merenptah. What followed laid the groundwork for a nation ripped apart by civil war.

After only nine years on the throne, Merenptah is dead and his son Seti is king in his place. He rules from the northern city of Men-nefer, while his elder brother Messuwy, convinced the throne is his by right, plots rebellion in the south.
The kingdoms are tipped into bloody civil war, with brother fighting against brother for the throne of a united Egypt. On one side is Messuwy, now crowned as King Amenmesse and his ruthless General Sethi; on the other, young King Seti and his wife Tausret. But other men are weighing up the chances of wresting the throne from both brothers and becoming king in their place. Under the onslaught of conflict, the House of Ramesses begins to crumble...

  • TitleFall of the House of Ramesses, Book 2: Seti: A Novel of Ancient Egypt (Fall of the House of Ramesses, Ancient Egyptian Novels)
  • ManufacturerWriters Exchange E-Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-02-18T15:49:32.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook