FP-500S Bi-Color LED Light
The Bescor FP-500S Bi-Color LED Light features a variable color 12 x 11" LED light with a tungsten-equivalent output of 500W. The bi-color panel has 252 tungsten- and 252 daylight-balanced 5mm LEDs. This panel also has independent dimmers for each color, meaning you can freely adjust the brightness and color temperature from 3200K to 5500K to fit your needs. The FP-500 is capable of dimming from 100 down to 15% and has a removable filter for added light control. The light can easily mount to a light stand and has a grip handle for transport and adjustment. It also runs on just 12 VDC power and has a power draw of just three amps. Additionally, a 6.2' dual-braced light stand and a universal AC adapter are included.