Extreme Pace Handicapping: If You Doodle They Will Come
The best payoffs I've had at the track were generated by extreme pace aberrations. Those nice payoffs didn't come from pedestrians. I'm talking about thieves and carpetbaggers, opportunists who were ordinary but found themselves in extraordinary situations - the right place, the right time. When I started playing the extreme pace way, it made such a difference that I dedicated my handicapping life to it. Extreme Pace Handicapping will show you what made the difference and why. It's simple, really. I like to call it pace picture doodling. If you doodle it, they will come: The Thief, The Clever Thief, The Loner, and the Carpetbagger. Includes one FREE month of the PACEAPPRAISER PPs. Here's how: Buy the book. Go to the author's website (see About the Author at the end of the book for website address). Send a copy of your Amazon receipt along with your first and last name. You will receive your login information by return email.