Experience God's Power in You - Life Changing
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Experience God's Power in You - Life Changing

Life Changing

€œI could not recommend this book more highly or feel any more confident that it will touch you in a significant way.€
Kmetosh | 3 reviewers made a similar statement

€œI would highly recommend purchasing the entire series as one book builds on the next one and so on.€
Annette | 1 reviewer made a similar statement

God puts in us and provides to us all we need to change our lives. It is not about our abilities or talents but about our surrendering and yielding, our faith and our trust in God. It is about Jesus becoming our Lord and being guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. A journey like you have never experienced.

Book One - Does God Change Lives?
Book Two - Tough Times
Book Three - The Trinity
Book Four - Sin
Book Five - Satan
Book Six - God the Father
Book Seven - God The Son
Book Eight - The Holy Spirit
Book Nine - Seven of God€s Greatest Gifts
Book Ten - Six Revelations
Book Eleven - God€s Glory

The first five books will allow you to begin your journey and set the table with an understanding that God does radically change lives, you do struggle in this life, it does come with pain and hurt, you do sin and Satan the enemy of your soul is very real and active in your life. If you deny your pain, your sin or even deny Satan and his influence, then you are not setting the table in-order-to partake of the feast God has provided for you.

Over books six through eleven you will learn how to surrender to God and how to walk intimately with Him. You will come to better understand the unbelievable relationship you can have with Jesus and the fact that He is pursuing you to give you not just His gifts, but Himself.

You will discover the truths that the Holy Spirit is waiting to reveal to you as you grow in your relationship with Jesus, get to know Him personally and read God€s Word with a new understanding. As all this begins to unfold for you, you will know what I mean by partaking in a feast unlike any you have ever known.

Discover the gifts God has provide so you can live a life of expectation and experience a life of freedom beyond your imagination. You€ll discover revelations of a life transformed. And you€ll discover the greatest pleasure you can have in life is by bringing glory to God.

Share your struggles with God, surrender them to Him and ask Him to display His power through your weaknesses. Learn how to use those weaknesses and struggles and the pain you have experienced for your good and His glory. You no longer have to carry the pain and disappointment they have caused you.

The Trinity is a doctrine of every Christian denomination and is commonly expressed as €œOne God three Persons.€ There is one God, each is a distinct Person, each is God and They are interwoven into a beautiful €œDivine Dance.€ They are the foundation of our life.

How do you live a life pleasing to God, a life not full of sin? Learn how to forgive yourself no matter what sins you have committed and how to forgive others. God tells us to live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature, discover the power of the Holy Spirit in your life concerning sin.

Learn how the Holy Spirit will lead you in using the weapons God has given you to defeat Satan. He will give you victory as you use His weapons and rely upon His power. He promises to use our pain to accomplish good things in our life. God does not want you to fight your battles alone or live in despair or defeat!

Discover how to journey with God in amazing ways. If we are honest, we€ll admit that we are fallible human beings who need God in every area of our life if we are going to live a life of purpose. Learn what faith, trust and submitting really mean. Discover the power of God which is made perfect in our weakness.

I pray you are ready and willing to take seriously €œLife Changing€ with the devotion each book deserves. The God of the universe is waiting on you.

  • TitleExperience God's Power in You - Life Changing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-01-30T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook