Every Hog Has It's Day
If you feel froggish, then leap. But if you feel hoggish, then creep! It was inevitable. After the success of €œEatadiccup€ & €œ$poiled Rotten€ from J-Zone€s last two albums, folks started talkin€... €œJ-Zone and Celph Titled need to do an album together€Â. Say no more, the Hogs are here. As a group, J-Zone and Celph Titled (aka Kenny Hoggins and Wade Hoggs) are the Bo$$ Hog Barbarian$. The two multi-talented beatsmiths/rappers /entertainers / masters of all that is rude are in the house for a full length ride. Enter Hog Heaven, where the order of the day is foul mouthed trash talk, funkafied beats and a sense of humor, to the 50th power. With nearly all production by J-Zone and Celph Titled, the lone outside beat comes from none other than the legendary Mr. Walt of Da Beatminerz€, longtime Hog affiliates. On the rapping side? No guests!! Hogs don€t need em. Celph and Zone are the Jordan and Pippen of Hog Heaven, so no help is necessary. 100% pure unadulterated hoggin€. With Zone having produced for the likes of Biz Markie,Casual, Devin the Dude, Del, 7L & Esoteric, Tha Alkaholiks, King T and many more and Celph collaborating with everybody from 45 King, to Mike Shinoda (of Linkin Park), to Redman & Fabolous, the hogs are heavyweights. Brought to you by Mt. Kill-A-Ho / Hog Cabin Ent., the official Bo$$ Hog Barbarian$ record label. With the single, €œ$teady $mobbin€€ b/w €œCelph Destruction€Â, and the MP3 leak, €œHog Luv€Â, already makin noise, this album will Hog your arteries. You€ve been warned... they won€t stop hoggin€ nooooo!