Evernote For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Organize your life the simple, painless way with Evernote!
Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small usingyour computer, smartphone, or the web. If you can see it or thinkof it, Evernote can help you remember it! Now you can type a textnote, clip a web page, snap a photo, or grab a screenshot andEvernote will keep it all.
Through Evernote, you can tap into a free suite of software andservices designed to make note taking and archiving simple. Nowyou'll be able to easily capture any moment, idea, inspiration, orexperience no matter what device or platform you are using. TheSecond Edition of this bestselling book is revisedthroughout to cover the latest features, updates, and enhancementsmade to Evernote!
Evernote For Dummies, 2nd Edition isthe ideal reference to help you take control of your life and getorganized with Evernote. This handy guide makes it a breeze useEvernote to store, organize, and access practically anything,everywhere.