Essentials of Geology (12th Edition)
From the renowned Lutgens/Tarbuck/Tasa team, the Twelfth Edition of Essentials of Geology continues to elevate its readability, art program, focus on basic principles and instructor flexibility. This revision incorporates what has historically made the text a best seller with a new active learning approach throughout each chapter, which offers students a structured learning path and provides a reliable, consistent framework for mastering the chapter concepts.
It also includes new additions to its learning path, mobile field trips, and visual program. This edition is supported by MasteringGeology™–used by over 1.5 million science students, the Mastering platform is the most effective and widely used online tutorial, homework, and assessment system for the sciences.
This program will provide an interactive and engaging learning experience for your students. Here’s how:
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; My_Lab/Mastering does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and My_Lab/Mastering search for ISBN-10: 0321949803/ISBN-13: 9780321949806. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321947738/ISBN-13: 9780321947734 and ISBN-10: 0321966864/ISBN-13: 9780321966865.
My_Lab/Mastering is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.