Essential Guide to Teaching Keyboarding in 45 Minutes a Week: a K-8 Curriculum
You may think it impossible to find a keyboarding curriculum that creates accomplished typists from the skimpy forty-five minutes a week you can devote to keyboarding. You teach what you can, but it always seems to be the same lessons hands on home row, good posture, eyes on the copy. You wonder if it s making a difference. Every year, you promise it will go better and then it doesn t. You re thinking of giving up. You have lots of friends who hunt-and-peck as adults and are doing fine. Does it even matter if students learn to touch type? Yes, it matters, and there is a way. It requires a plan, faithfully executed, with your eye relentlessly on the goal, but if you commit to that, it works. In this book, The Essential Guide to Teaching Keyboarding in 45 Minutes a Week: a K-8 Curriculum, I ll share a keyboarding curriculum for K-8 that I ve seen work on thousands of students. You ll find directions on what to do, how and when. Consider this the keyboarding version of Strunk and White s Elements of Style everything you need in a short 110 (give or take) pages.