Encyclopedia of Designs for Quilting
'It's not a quilt until it's quilted' and 'How do I quilt it?' are two statements often heard among quilting enthusiasts and quiltmakers. The ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DESIGNS FOR QUILTING by Phyllis D. Miller is the first comprehensive reference of traditional quilting designs. Quiltmakers, quilt documentors, and historians/researchers will find this book a valuable tool. Phyllis documented 375 traditional quilting designs from texts and quilt collections. For quiltmakers, the front section of the book is a how-to guide with over 500 illustrations for drawing and transferring traditional designs onto quilt tops. Some of the diagrams are: straight lines, geometrics and triangles; squares and circles; diagonals and diamonds; ovals, crescents, and curves; ropes and cables; hearts and feathers; and representational, naturalistic, designs taken from a quilt pattern, and combination designs. In the back section, the Numerical Index has numbers assigned to the designs for easy documentation and reference. Phyllis's quilt designs have helped her win numerous awards in quilt competitions. You'll find the tools in the ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR DESIGNS FOR QUILTING will help you create your own designs and make your quilts ribbon winners, too! AUTHORBIO: Phyllis D. Miller has been making quilts since the summer of 1968. She has made numerous quilts and wallhangings since that beginning. Her quilts have been exhibited and won awards on the local, state,and national levels. Phyllis graduated from Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, in 1963 with a B.S. in business administration. She is well known in the quilt world as a teacher and for her organizational abiltities. REVIEW: Miller, an experienced quilter who has been closely involved with the Kentucky Quilt Registry documentation project, here sets out to categorize quilting designs by shape, to assign names to the designs based on their use in the literature of quilting, and to teach the best methods for drawing.