En Route III: The Road Less Traveled (Penumbra/d20)
The life of an adventurer is never an easy one. And now, instead of run-of-the-mill dungeon denizens, prepare yourself for an interdimensional scholar intent on "studying" certain great heroes, an inept wizard whose potions are unpredictable to say the least, a crystalline trap designed to catch unwary teleporters, an animated forest, living toy marionettes, giants ready for a rousing game of Dodge Rock, an intangible creature that feeds on secrets, evil cattle, and a horde of other horrors to bar your way!
Like the original En Route and En Route II, the En Route III collection presents short encounters that GMs can easily insert into longer adventures of their own design, or use as transitions between published modules. En Route III features innovative scenarios suitable for a wide range of locations and character levels, each designed to be played in about one hour’s time. This book is a treasure trove of adventure ideas for every fantasy d20 System campaign.
The encounter sourcebook includes: