Emotions & Essential Oils, 3rd Edition Book + Audio CD (Bookmark Included)
Updated Third Edition with New Oil Descriptions! Essential oils are widely used for their physical health benefits, but few have understood the scope of their healing capabilities. In Emotions & Essential Oils, essential oils are introduced as powerful emotional healers. This groundbreaking book bridges the gap between the physical and emotional aspects of essential oils and creates a user-friendly guide for taking charge of your emotional health. Each oil is written about with profound insight and understanding of its innate properties and gifts, and the result is as poetic as it is practical. This easy to follow spiral bound reference guide will help you come to know the oils in a new way and more fully appreciate their distinct healing qualities. For long-time oil enthusiasts and beginners alike, Emotions & Essential Oils will inspire you with the genius and beauty of one of Mother Nature's finest gifts. This book includes emotional descriptions for dÅTERRA's entire line of essential oils, including the new oils released at the 2014 convention. ***This combo includes the cd audio lecture entitled The Five Stages of Healing. In this lecture Daniel Macdonald goes deeper into the concepts of emotional healing with the assistance of essential oils. The result is experiential as well as highly informational. Discover for yourself what lies at the heart of your current challenges and develop a plan for moving on to subsequent stages of healing. He provides valuable tools and exercises, which if utilized, will propel the listener into new heights of awareness and healing. (Length:31 min.)***