Emery’s World of Science is a beautifully illustrated 2016 calendar that features The Adventures of Emery Jones, Boy Science Wonder, the middle-school genius hero of a children’s book series created by MacArthur fellow and National Book Award novelist and cartoonist Charles Johnson (Middle Passage, Dreamer, Oxherding Tale) and his daughter, Elisheba, an artist and poet. This unique 6" x 9" calendar highlights the achievements of 30 important black American scientists past and present, male and female based on the research of literary scholar Jim McWilliams. Rich in humor (12 color cartoons) and the biographies of people of color who enriched STEM fields and education, Emery’s World of Science is the perfect gift for children ages 6-13 and adults as well. Sized for use on the desk or on a wall, ideal for home or schools.