Embracing the New Era: Managing oneself and others into the era of creativity
The current economic and social turmoil may prove to mark the advent of a new era - the Era of The current economic and social turmoil may prove to mark the advent of a new era - the Era of Creativity, potentially as revolutionary as the industrial revolution. Old management models have finally been put to the test and have been found lacking. This book takes a fresh look at the many aspects of what encourages people to be creative and what discourages them. From leadership style to tolerating anarchy, this new approach to creating innovative environments represents a new model of management: Managing for Creativity. As individuals we are challenged by new industry practices such as outsourcing which are challenging our security. The old values of educational achievements fail to guarantee opportunity. We are being challenged to accept a new currency - the currency of creativity. Creativity is the new 'value-added' for individuals, organizations, cities and nations. Those that recognize and act on this will be the leaders of the new era, those that do not will struggle. 'Embracing the New Era' looks at creativity from a new perspective in order to prescribe how we can position it at the top of our personal and organizational priority list. It examines how we can manage ourselves and our organizations in order to recognize opportunity from economic turbulence, and how we can generate flexible, stable and happy places that are adaptable to our changing times.