Email It - A Seller's Guide To Emails That Work
*Let Emailit! be your guide*
You've just written an email to a prospect who's not calling you back. You get ready to hit SEND...but as you read it again, you realize it just doesn't quite capture your thoughts.
Here's our advice: STOP - Don't SEND! Instead, read EMAIL IT!, The Seller's Guide to Emails That Work.
Let's face it. Most of us sales people aren't English comp majors. In fact. most of us do all we can to avoid writing. But writing is so much a part of our sales and marketing culture. And you must know how to do it well. And since selling is a game of inches, where it doesn't take much to derail deals, why let a poorly written email get in the way?
Which is why we wrote the book EMAIL IT! It lays out 20 of the most common email scenarios that face sales people every day. And most of these are scenarios we've seen people screw up.
We're sales trainers and coaches. And we find that choosing the right words in an email can be a burden. And if you don't choose those words correctly, you might never get a reply.
So the next time you have an important email to send, check the list below and let EMAIL IT! be your guide.
The 20 Emails!
1. The Introduction Email
2. Email the Agenda Upfront
3. A Deal Has Become Stuck or Stalled
4. Email to Follow Up from a Meeting
5. New person in Email Process
6. Email to Get Out of Email
7. Connecting Someone to Someone
8. The Thank You Email
9. The Sales Resistance Email
10. Email to Potential Strategic Partner
11. Email to a Cold Prospect
12. Email to a Cold Connector
13. The “It’s Been A While†Email
14. Email with Information Attached
15. An Email Invitation
16. The Follow Up Email
17. The Not-Talking-To-The-Right-Person Email
18. Linkedin Warm/Cold
19. First Email from Website
20. The Response to Request for Information Email
-What Others Have Said-
"After reading your book yesterday I sent an email to a large retail buyer who had been avoiding me. Before I woke this morning I had a reply offering a face to face meeting in October. To say I'm impressed with the result is not even close. THE best $20.00 I've ever spent." -Sean W. British Columbia, Canada
"I sent out the STUCK OR STALLED email to three different people. I had calls from all three within 2 hours. And each of them apologized for the delays. And guess what? The deals are fired back up again. I can't thank you enough for this book!" --Joe McGonigal, Philadelphia
"I have started to supplement my calling with your prospecting emails from EMAIL IT. The responses I have received have been incredible. In fact, the first time I sent one out I landed a meeting! So, thanks to you and Bryan for all of your hard work and all you do for us Sales Professionals!" -Bryan Gorman, Advanced Selling Podcast listener