Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach
Elementary Statistics: A Step By Step Approach is for introductory statistics courses with a basic algebra prerequisite. The text follows a nontheoretical approach, explaining concepts intuitively and supporting them with abundant examples. In recent editions, Al Bluman has placed more emphasis on conceptual understanding and understanding results, which is also reflected in the online homework environment, Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS. Additionally step-by step instructions on how to utilize the TI-84 Plus graphing calculator, Excel, and Minitab, have also been updated to reflect the most recent editions of each technology.
Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS and LearnSmart for Bluman, Elementary Statistics, was developed by statistics instructors who served as digital contributors. Their experience in teaching statistics provided a significant advantage while they authored each algorithm and providing stepped out, highly detailed solutions that focus on areas where students commonly make mistakes. The result is an online homework platform that provides superior content and feedback, allowing students to effectively learn the material being taught. Several hundred new questions have been added to Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS for this edition to ensure a broader coverage of topics and alignment with the text content. www.mhhe.com/bluman