El Fantasma de Canterville (Mis Primeros Clasicos) (My First Classics) (Spanish Edition)
This is the humorous tale of a malevolent English ghost who discovers there is no peace for the wicked when a rambunctious American family moves into Canterville Chase, his ancestral home. No matter how many devilish things the ghost does the family doesn't believe he exists, and they actually have the nerve to fight back against him! The Canterville Ghost is among the many stories Oscar Wilde wrote as a young man wherein a child enlightens an adult. Description in Spanish: El fantasma de sir Simon Canterville vaga desde el siglo XVI por la mansion que lleva su apellido, asustando a cuantos han habitado la casa. Pondra fin a esa tradicion la llegada a Canterville de una familia estadounidense, los Otis, que no creen en la existencia de espiritus y que impiden al fantasma llevar a cabo su principal tarea.