Effective Martial Arts Training with No Equipment or Partner vol. 1: Functional strength, Balance and Explosive power
This book focuses on powerful functional training and the natural ways that you can train yourself using simple methods and tools. No need for expensive gym fees. No need for loud music, people groaning and using the same equipment as you. Nature provides everything you need to build a strong and explosive body for Martial Arts or just for feeling and looking great.
The use of equipment is kept to a minimal, and the equipment used is easy to find everyday tools that everyone would have access to.
Health, feeling good about yourself and your body and martial arts success are possible for anyone willing to work hard with the €œbasics€Â. There is no need for expensive machines or personal trainers. There is no need for impressive and €œscientific€ training logs and theory on loads and amount of stress on any specific day. Just begin right where you and work hard. Then unlimited results are guaranteed!