Ear Wax Removal Kit
Good ear hygiene is important for all hearing aid users. Excess ear wax can cause problems with hearing. It can also cause problems with your hearing aid. It can block tubes, receivers even get inside the hearing aid. Good hygiene is important for all hearing aid users and can prevent many problems with hearing aids. This kit contains: Drops 1/2 fl oz Soft rubber bulb ear syringe It is easy to use and the instructions are written on the package. Useful Tips -Earwax cleaning with hydrogen peroxide may be a commonly followed method. But its use is not suggested if your ear canal is sensitive or if your eardrums are damaged due to some reasons. This is due to the strong nature of carbamide peroxide and the damage it can cause to the delicate eardrums. -Everyone finds it easy to use a cotton swab, since, while using it you just need to insert the cotton swab into the ears and remove the earwax. But this practice actually pushes the earwax deeper into the ears. It therefore becomes difficult to remove the earwax. -Earwax formation in children also needs to be dealt with by a ENT specialist