EFAC Pain Relieving Cream Clinically Tested More Effective Topical Analgesic, Fast Acting CLINICALLY Proven Pain Relieving Cream 16 Ounce
Esterified Fatty Acid Complex (EFAC) helps provide pain relief due to inflammation. EFAC cream is absorbed topically providing acute and long-term anti-inflammatory benefits for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. It also helps with any aches and pains from sore muscles, nerves and joints. EFACT can provide relief from pain and stiffness helping to increase range of motion and restore your ability to enjoy normal daily activities. EFAC works as an anti-inflammatory in much the same way as omega 3, flax and fish oils; however EFAC provides a much greater ability to limit inflammation because of its unique ability to penetrate the skin and reach the source of inflammation. EFAC supports the health of cell membranes, thereby enabling it to improve the cells ability to function. One result of a healthy cell membrane is decreased inflammation. Our skin provides a barrier that is very selective. However, EFAC can pass through the skin and is absorbed into the muscles and joints because it has electrically charged components. Unlike other topicals that may be combined with a penetrating agent to improve absorbtion, EFAC is the active penetrating agent. Combining the anti-inflammatory properties of EFAC and the unique ability to penetrate down deep is the "secret" of this amazing topical analgesic cream. Using both the softgel capsules and the topical pain cream together is a true winning combination. With the softgels you get the long-term systemic effect of a natural anti-inflammatory. Using EFACT capsules with the topical cream provides concentrated pain relief that targets the painful area. Radio tagging has shown that EFAC is laser targeted able to reach sore muscles and joints. Three clinical trials on EFACT cream have been published in prestigious peer reviewed medical journals such as the Journal of Rheumatology. These clinical trails demonstrated EFAC to be a potent cellular lubricant that targets inflammation.