EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars! Shamanism for the 21st Century and Beyond (EDINA Energy Medicine Book 1)
This is the fascinating tale of how a modern day mystic was telepathically contacted by 12-Dimensional Starbeings from Sirius-B to bring to the Earth a new form of energy medicine. The formal name of these beings is: The Ankenash, Healing Corps of the Ashtar Command, Sirius-B.
The purpose for this energy medicine is to assist humanity with the ascension process, and it works directly on the Lightbody utilizing techniques lost after the High Period of Atlantis and stored in various cultures over the globe in bits and pieces. EDINA energy medicine brings those pieces together into a cohesive whole. The book also teaches the reader how to actually practice this form of energy medicine, and gives further references at the end of the book.