Dynamics of Catholic Education
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Dynamics of Catholic Education

Following the success of his book, Flying in the Face of Tradition:
Listening to the Lived Experience of the Faithful, Louis DeThomasis
addresses the important role of Catholic education in spreading the
Christian message to new generations in new ways. He explains that the
Catholic school is not the Catholic church and has a function different
from the church itself. He proposes the following eight dynamics that
Catholic schools must follow if they are to remain true to their calling to
educate, inspire, and challenge their students in the changing world of
the twenty-first century:
Risk and Invent
Develop Your Style
Paradigm This and Imagine That
See What Might Be Otherwise
Drink from the same Water, but with a Different Cup
Uncover and Celebrate What the Shadows Reveal
Nurture Nature Naturally

  • BindingPaperback
  • BrandBrand: ACTA Publications
  • EAN9780879465117
  • FeatureUsed Book in Good Condition
  • ISBN0879465115
  • LabelACTA Publications
  • ManufacturerACTA Publications
  • NumberOfItems1
  • NumberOfPages144
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_BOOK
  • PublicationDate2013-06-05
  • PublisherACTA Publications
  • StudioACTA Publications
  • TitleDynamics of Catholic Education