Driverless Car/UGV Technical Design Certification
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Driverless Car/UGV Technical Design Certification

GM, BMW and Cadillac have all announced production of driverless cars, These cars can drive and navigate without human input. The vehicles use radar, lidar, gps and computer vision to sense their surroundings. Three state have passed laws permitting driverless cars: Nevada, Florida, and California. Francis Govers teaches a technical course in the design of driverless cars/Unmanned Ground Vehicles. Topics covered include: Types, UGV Sensors, UGV Communications and Data Links, Example of a Small UGV Design, UGV Power and Propulsion Design, Design for Reliability and Safety, Outdoor Navigation, Driverless Cars, Sensor Processing, UGV Lifecycle and Design Management, Advanced Reliability Design, Future of Driverless Cars/UGVs. The video is published on a DVD, in MPEG-4 format with an embedded University seal. You will receive a professional certificate after viewing all videos.