Draganfly Innovations 12x4.5 Counter Rotating Pair Electric RC Helicopter + RC Airplane Propellers
Counter rotating pair of 12 x 4.5 electric RC airplane and RC helicopter propellers. These counter rotating props are perfect for use in twin and multiple motor R/C airplanes or coaxial RC helicopters. One piece, composite design for electric use only. You receive 2 propellers, 1 left hand and 1 right hand rotation. One propeller rotates clockwise (CW) and the other prop rotates counter clockwise (CCW). These matched rotor blades are a hard to find matched counter rotating pair. The length is 12 inches and the pitch is 4.5 inches per revolution. Specifications for the DF1245CR pair of counter rotating propellers * Length: 12 inches * Pitch: 4.5 inches per revolution * Type: Counter Rotating Matched Set * Material: 1 Piece Composite * Shaft Diameter: 3 mm (Works with GWS type gearboxes)