Domain Name Flipping: Quick Flips & Fast Cash!
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Domain Name Flipping: Quick Flips & Fast Cash!

Do you want to learn how to make money buying and flipping domain names? If so, this guide will provide you with the basic knowledge and direction required to get started! Unlike domain name investing, where a "buy and hold" strategy is the standard technique, domain name flipping is all about finding valuable domains and quickly selling them for a profit.

This guide was recently featured on a popular internet marketing forum, with a $17 price tag. It contains the most current information associated with the practice of domain flipping, including an orientation on two very helpful Google-tools that many professional domainers are still not aware of!

You will learn;
- How To Find Valuable Domain Names
- Where To Find Expired Domain Listings
- How To Use The New "Google Keyword Planner"
- The "Secret" Google Tool That Can Give You An Unfair Advantage!
- How To Save Money When Registering Domains
- Where To Get Your Domains Appraised
- Best Places To Find Aftermarket Domains
- Techniques For Back-ordering Domains
- Basic Considerations When Selling Domain Names
- How To Sell Your Domains On eBay, Sedo and Flippa
- Special Forums For Buying & Selling Domain Names
- A List of Domain Flipping Resources, Tools and Forums

This 50-page guide is not another "Get Rich Quick On The Internet" scheme that are unfortunately all too common these days. It is brief - to the point - and full of information that can help you make money. It contains all of the guidance you need to establish your own domain name flipping business!

Get started today!

  • TitleDomain Name Flipping: Quick Flips & Fast Cash!
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-09-09T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook