Do All Outdoors Backyard Clayhawk Clay Pigeon Thrower with Ground Spikes
Because of their solid, reliable construction, Do-All Traps are used at top sporting clays courses, trap clubs, and shooting ranges. The Backyard Clayhawk 3/4 Cock Trap is designed for the backyard or weekend shooter who is looking for a cock trap at an affordable price. With its Sprocket mechanism, it can throw 70 yards and give the shooter all-day durability. The Backyard Trap is more durable, quieter, and easier to use than a full cock trap.
This trap includes all of the innovative and patented features that Do-All Outdoors' other traps are known for, including its three-pivot mount, which is capable of throwing any target at any angle and at any speed. Three simple adjusting bolts allow the arm to be positioned to throw a clay target from 90 degrees vertical, springing teal, ground-bouncing rabbit, a flushing pair of standards, curling incomers, and virtually anything in between. A sliding, adjustable-tension, universal spring clip on the throwing arm quickly adapts to standard, rabbit, 90mm/midi, 60mm/mini, or battue clays and allows them to be thrown as singles, stacked doubles, and nesting pairs. By varying spring tension, target selection, and the position of the targets on the throwing arm, one Backyard 3/4 Trap can invent and duplicate any clay target presentation desired.