Disruptive Innovation and MOOCs: The Disruptive Potential of Massively Open Online Classes
Research supports the disruptive influence of MOOCs on the educational marketplace. Viewed as a disruptive innovation, MOOCs have potential to fundamentally change how we learn online. There are issues with course quality and high drop out rates, which must be addressed for the model to gain legitimacy. The three main stakeholders in the MOOC market are: edX, Coursera, and Udacity. These companies were not first to produce a MOOC, but remain the dominant market forces. Disruptive innovation theory and its key points are discussed in relation to MOOCs and their influence on the marketplace. This report also reviews the history of MOOCS and its pedagogical methods, and goes into detail about the different types of MOOCs including c-MOOCs and x-MOOCs. Objections to MOOCs, including the Amherst College rejection of edX, are discussed in detail. Ivy League involvement in online courses, including MOOCs, is discussed and possible reasons for involvement are explored.