Discovering the Humanities, 2/e
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any
media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come
packaged with the bound book.
See Context and Make Connections
across the Humanities
Discovering the Humanities helps
students see context and make connections across the humanities by
tying together the entire cultural experience through a narrative
storytelling approach. Written around Henry Sayre’s belief
that students learn best by remembering stories rather than
memorizing facts, it captures the voices that have shaped and
influenced human thinking and creativity throughout our
With a stronger focus on
critical thinking, and coupled with the new MyArtsLab to
personalize learning for each student, the second edition enables
students to deepen their understanding of how cultures influence
one another. It also shows how ideas are exchanged and evolve over
time, and how this collective process has led us to where we stand
A better teaching and
learning experience
This program will provide a better teaching
and learning experience– for you and your students.
Here’s how:
Personalize Learning – The
new MyArtsLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed,
provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes
from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep
commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their
Improve Critical Thinking – The second edition
includes features that focus on applying concepts and building
critical thinking skills in the beginning and at the end of each
Engage Students – Henry Sayre engages students
like no other with his storytelling approach and the MyArtsLab
Challenge which guides students through the ages as they
master the study of Humanities.
Support Instructors – New MyArtsLab with streaming
audio, ClassPrep, Instructor’s Manual and Test Item File, and
MyTest are available.
Note: MyArtsLab does not come
automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MyArtsLab,
please visit or you can
purchase a ValuePack of the text + MyArtsLab (at no additional
cost): ValuePack ISBN-10: 0205883680 / ValuePack ISBN-13: