Dictionary of Root Words: Greek and Latin Roots (English Word Power Book 17)
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Dictionary of Root Words: Greek and Latin Roots (English Word Power Book 17)

What are €œRoot Words€?

A root, or root word is a word which is used to form another word. It is also called a base word. A root does not have a prefix (A letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word) or a suffix (A letter or group of letters added to the end of a word).
Root is the primary lexical unit of a word, and of a word family

For example, pure is a root. By adding prefixes and suffixes, the following words could be made:
impure, purity, pureness

Similarly, play and move are root words. By adding prefixes and suffixes, the following words could be made:
plays, played, playing, player
moving, movement, moved, movable, mover, movingly

In this book, I have given most common Greek and Latin roots which are used in English language

Root Words -- A

Origin: Latin
Meaning: away, from, off
abate -- to subside
abhor -- to hate | related word: abhorrence
abject -- hopeless
abjure -- to renounce
abnormal -- unusual | related words: abnormally, abnormality
abrasion -- cut or scratch
abroad -- out of the country
abscess -- swelling
abscond -- to run away | related word: absconder
abseil -- to go down a steep cliff
absence -- nonattendance | related words: absent / absentee / absenteeism / absentia / absently
absolute -- complete
absolve -- to forgive
absorb -- to soak up | related words: absorbable / absorbance / absorbed / absorbency / absorbent / absorbing / absorption
abstain -- to give up something for moral reason | related words: abstainer / abstention / abstinence
abstemious -- critical
abstinent -- not having something for moral reason
abstract -- theoretical | related words: abstracted / abstractedly / abstraction / abstractly
abstruse -- difficult to understand; obscure
absurd -- ridiculous | related words: absurdist / absurdity / absurdly
abundance -- plenty | related words: abundant / abundantly


Origin: Latin
Meaning: white
albino -- somebody born with no pigment in skin | related word: albinism
albumen -- white of an egg


Origin: Latin
Meaning: both
ambiguous -- double meaning; uncertain
ambidexterity -- ability to use both the left and right hand equally well | related word: ambidextrous
ambivalent -- showing both good and bad feelings


Origin: Latin
Meaning: breath, life
animate -- having life; to make something full of liveliness | related words: animated, animatedly, animation, animato, animator
animateur -- a person who promotes social activities
animism -- the belief that natural objects possesses soul | related words: animist, animistic


Origin: Latin
Meaning: water
aquaculture -- the act of growing of plants in water for food
aqualung -- a device for breathing for divers
aquamarine -- a pale greenish-blue stone or color
aquaplane -- an equipment used in boat
aquarium -- container to kept fish and water plants
aquarobics -- physical exercises that are done in water
aquatic -- growing near water


Origin: Latin
Meaning: hearing
audible -- capable of being heard | related words: audibly, audibility
audience -- crowd of listeners
auditorium -- a building for public meetings, etc.


Other Root Words -- A
Root Word [Origin] -- Meaning
a [Greek] -- not
ab [Latin] -- away, off
ablat [Latin] -- remove
ablut [Latin] -- wash
abort [Latin] -- born too soon
abr [Greek] -- delicate
abras [Latin] -- rub off
abund [Latin] -- overflow
aca [Greek] -- point; silence
acanth [Greek] -- thorn
acar [Greek] -- tiny
acceler [Latin] -- hasten
ace [Greek] -- heal
acer [Latin] -- sharp
acerb [Latin] -- bitter
acet [Latin] -- vinegar
ach [Greek] -- pain
achr [Greek] -- colorless
acid [Latin] -- sour
acm [Greek] -- summit
aco [Greek] -- relief
acri [Latin] -- bitter
acrib [Greek] -- exact
acrit [Greek] -- confused
acro [Greek] -- height, summit
acut [Latin] -- sharp

  • TitleDictionary of Root Words: Greek and Latin Roots (English Word Power Book 17)
  • ManufacturerManik Joshi
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-08-30T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook