Diary of an Angry Targeted Individual: Mind Invasive Technology (Mind Control Technology Book Series 4)
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Diary of an Angry Targeted Individual: Mind Invasive Technology (Mind Control Technology Book Series 4)

Appropriately suited in armor, in this fourth addition to the "Mind Control Technology" book series, Author Renee Pittman M. continues to substantiate her credibility. This is not only done through testimony of professionals, and compiled open literature evidence, but also through the testimony of other Targeted Individuals who confirm that a legalized government, technology testing program, is in full swing, rampantly, within the United States of America and affecting thousands.

In diary like setting, the author gives explicit details of her continued, day by day battle, to combat covert technological terrorism. She also details the continued hope of many for justice system intervention, and coping with the road blocks many face as an inability to effectively litigate against the Goliath, in this case, the United States of America. Sadly, many attorneys will not touch these difficult to prove cases, due to invisible radio waves weapons being used, and electromagnetically deployed, which have the characteristic of being unseen or detectable as extremely low frequencies. As a result thousands of lives are being destroyed.

Those attempting to silence the author, yet, again attempted to have the author involuntarily committed as mentally ill. This is common and usually a powerfully effective strategic tactic in these secret programs. It is historically documented that when anyone attempts to expose corruption at the highest levels discrediting then becomes one of the very first objectives. However, to the dismay of those seeking to keep the use of electromagnetic technology under wraps, Pittman continues to fight through detailed, well written books.

In this addition, she goes into depth explaining not only the machinations of this program’s psychological operations commonly called Psy Ops, but also details precise, heinous, manipulative techniques, designed to create sexual deviance, as a means to control targets, and even the possibility to turn women into sex slaves by some more perverse groups, and the common use of extremely low frequencies as a form of sexual terrorism overall. This is a topic further detailed from Book III, “Covert Technological Murder”.

Many targets, due to extreme, hardships, psychological, and physical torture, have, sadly, given up and thrown in the towel. Instead, Pittman and a group of determined activist and whistleblowers continue the battle, not only for their lives, but the lives of all that will be inevitably, and ultimately affected, by the prevalent use of this technology today and into the future by a widespread, inhumane program.

  • TitleDiary of an Angry Targeted Individual: Mind Invasive Technology (Mind Control Technology Book Series 4)
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-03-31T16:41:08.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook