Development Across the Life Span (7th Edition)
Offers a strong balance between research and applications.
Robert Feldman offers students a chronological overview of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development—from conception through death with his text Development Across the Life Span. This best-selling text presents up-to-date coverage of theory and research, with an emphasis on the application of these concepts by students in their personal—and future professional—lives. The text taps into students’ inherent interest in the subject of human development, encouraging them to draw connections between the material and their own experiences.
MyDevelopmentLab is an integral part of the Feldman program. Key learning applications include, MyDevelopmentLab video series, MyVirtualLife, and MyVirtualChild.
Teaching & Learning Experience
0205940749 / 9780205940745 Development Across the Lifespan Plus NEW MyDevelopmentLab with eText -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:¿¿¿
0205206522 / 9780205206520 NEW MyDevelopmentLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card
0205940072 / 9780205940073 Development Across the Life Span