Despite Lupus: How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness (1)
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Despite Lupus: How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness (1)

Feel like you're losing the battle with lupus? Look no further than Despite Lupus, the book that will help you obtain the emotional and physical wellness you deserve. There is no cure for lupus, but there is a way to live well, despite it. The choices involved in living well with a chronic illness aren't easy, but no one is in a better position to make the right ones than you. In Despite Lupus, you'll learn how your lifestyle choices have contributed to your illness, why you make the choices you do, and most importantly, how you can make better ones moving forward. A fulfilling life awaits you; this is the path that will get you there. In Despite Lupus, you'll discover:

*Tips on tackling the mental and physical limitations brought on by the disease
*Insight into dealing with doctors, co-workers, friends and family members
*Tricks for managing test results, prescriptions, and myriad symptoms
*Exercises to help you eliminate stress, re-evaluate priorities, and refocus productivity

"An interesting and useful guide that instructs lupus patients in the art of coping and helping themselves with a serious disorder."
Daniel J. Wallace, MD
Author, €œThe Lupus Book: A Guide for Patients and Their Families€ï¿½

€œLupus is a life-altering disease. What Sara [Gorman] learned is that she could let lupus alter her life or she could take charge and alter her own life to achieve better control of her lupus. During the struggle that she shares with her readers, she acquired the wisdom to accept that she would live the rest of her life with lupus. She also developed the courage to rebuild her life with lupus by taking charge of what she could control, and she shares that story. Those elements of wisdom, acceptance and taking control underlie many if not most of the stories that I hear of successfully living with lupus, and that is why I hope many will read Sara's story and learn from its message of hope.€œ
Penny Fletcher, President and CEO
Lupus Foundation of America
Greater Washington Chapter

€œSara [Gorman] has written a gem of a book for lupus patients struggling with a new, frightening and unpredictable illness. Her advice is also applicable to all of us: lead a healthier, happier life. Discover the inner self and what is really important to you. Change is the cornerstone of life. Sometimes when we are feeling awful, we fear that "I will feel like this forever". That feeling is understandable but completely false. Things always change. Knowing that we will not feel the same the next day or the next week is comforting. Our ability to change and put our happiness and the happiness of our loved ones as the core of our existence makes us happier and healthier people with our chronic disease, what ever that disease may be. Sara's book helps us learn these and other truths to help us live with lupus and lead happier lives.€ï¿½
Neil I. Stahl, MD

€œAn invaluable resource for those dealing, not just with lupus, but any chronic illness. Truly moving.€ï¿½
Sam Rogers
Alliance for Lupus Research

"Suffering through a chronic illness can be one of life's great challenges. Not only do you have to deal with the physical ailment, but you also have to work through the emotional struggle that goes along with it. Then there's the "what if's": "What if we never find a cure?" "What if I never get better?" "What if I'm sick the rest of my life?" And there's also the pressure it can put on relationships. Sara Gorman experienced all of these -- and was able to come through victoriously. Her story is inspiring, challenging, and, most importantly, full of hope for anyone diagnosed with Lupus or any chronic illness."
Steve Kroening
Freelance writer for Success magazine.

  • TitleDespite Lupus: How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness (1)
  • ManufacturerFour Legged Press
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2009-06-15T07:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook