Delay the Disease -Exercise and Parkinson's Disease (Book)
David Zid, an ACE, APG certified trainer, has collaborated with orthopedic surgeon, Thomas H. Mallory, M.D., who is afflicted with Parkinson's disease, and Jackie Russell, RN BSN CNOR, in the development of a Parkinson's specific fitness program designed to proactively minimize tremors and improve flexibility, stability, balance and strength. This program empowers the person with Parkinson's Disease to take control, helps with maintaining independence, and provides hope! Delay the Disease contains colorful photographs of Zid demonstrating each move, as well as recommendations for exercise frequency, modification and how to adjust the workout as one improves. Parkinson's patients participating in Zid's fitness program notice improvement in walking, dressing and maintaining balance. Exercises are divided into categories (wake up call, walking and balance, cardiovascular, strength, facial and vocal, and night-time stretching.