Defense Nutrition - Controlled Fatigue Training DVD
Controlled Fatigue Training (CFT) by Defense Nutrition is an exercise program that methodically trains the body to resist fatigue under intense physical stress, while gradually improving all performance capabilities (strength, speed, velocity, and durability).
-Trigger your survival machinery to unleash super natural power.
-Why long aerobics and typical resistance training can actually diminish your gains (aerobics instructors and trendy gyms have gotten this wrong for DECADES)
-How to bust out of training plateaus - this is a core fundamental of CFT and NO ONE else has it.
-Why bodybuilding is not geared for Survival Activities.
-How to supercharge your treadmill workouts with weights - you'll wonder why you never used them like this in the first place.
-The missing element in most strength conditioning programs. Many trainers think they're doing the right, but they're missing half the picture.
-Train to develop a "Super Muscle" fiber. Learn what it is and why it is light years ahead of anything you've heard of.
-Why moderation is FATAL to fitness.
-How to adjust your training to your specific goals. Fail to do that, and you mights as well have been sitting on the couch