Defending Medical Malpractice Claims: Leading Lawyers on Navigating Medical Malpractice Developments and Mounting a Successful Defense (Inside the Minds)
Defending Medical Malpractice Claims provides an authoritative, insider's perspective on developing an effective medical malpractice defense. Featuring partners from law firms across the nation, these experts guide the reader through the process of representing doctors and health care providers in medical malpractice cases. These top lawyers offer advice on navigating the discovery process, selecting good experts, demonstrating the client acted appropriately, and helping clients avoid future medical malpractice claims. Additionally, these attorneys discuss legal protections for doctors and health care providers, common types and targets of lawsuits, and the increasing role of technology in this area of law. The different niches represented and the breadth of perspectives presented enable readers to get inside some of the great legal minds of today, as these experienced lawyers offer up their thoughts on the keys to success within this ever-evolving field.
Inside the Minds provides readers with proven business and legal intelligence from leading C-Level executives and lawyers. Each chapter offers thought leadership and expert analysis on an industry, profession, or topic, providing a future-oriented perspective and proven strategies for success. Each author has been selected based on their experience and C-Level standing within the business and legal communities.
Chapters Include:
1. William E. Galeota, Member, Steptoe & Johnson PLLC - "Mounting Effective Medical Malpractice Defenses in the Face of Unsatisfactory or Even Tragic Outcomes"
2. Charles L. Bach Jr., Partner, Heidell Pittoni Murphy & Bach LLP - "Presenting an Effective Malpractice Defense before a Lay Jury"
3. Robert W. Frank, Vice President and Senior Shareholder, Neil Dymott Frank McFall and Trexler APC - "New Strategies for Representing Doctors in Malpractice Litigation"
4. Troy S. Bundy, Partner, Hart Wagner LLP - "Defending Health Care Providers in an Era of Changing Technology and E-Charting"
5. Frederick W. Bode III, Richard J. Kabbert, and Kristen Hock Prex, Shareholders, Dickie McCamey & Chilcote PC - "Understanding the Field of Medical Malpractice Defense"
6. Rodger A. Hagen, Partner and Group Head, Health Care Professional Liability Practice Group, Meagher & Geer PLLP - "Medical Malpractice Liability Trends and Defense Strategies"
Appendices Include:
Appendix A: Treatise on Physician and Hospital Liability
Appendix B: Illustrations of Medical Problems and Conditions
Appendix C: Richards et al., v. U.S.
Appendix D: Sample Patient/Family Error Follow-Up Letter
Appendix E: PowerPoint Presentation: How to Apologize without Admitting Fault
Appendix F: Wang v. Heck
Appendix G: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc. v. Rahm