Decode and Conquer: Answers to Product Management Interviews
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Featuring the world-famous CIRCLES Methodâ„¢. Endorsed by Google recruiters. Praised by Business Insider.
Seeking a product management position?
Get Decode and Conquer, the world's first book on preparing you for the product management (PM) interview. Author and professional interview coach, Lewis C. Lin provides you with an industry insider's perspective on how to conquer the most difficult PM interview questions. Decode and Conquer reveals:
- Frameworks for tackling product design and metrics questions, including the famous CIRCLES Methodâ„¢, AARM Methodâ„¢, and DIGS Methodâ„¢
- Biggest mistakes PM candidates make at the interview and how to avoid them
- Insider tips on just what interviewers are looking for and how to answer so they can't say NO to hiring you
- Sample answers for the most important PM interview questions
Questions and answers covered in the book include:
- Design a new iPad app for Google Spreadsheet.
- Brainstorm as many algorithms as possible for recommending Twitter followers.
- You're the CEO of the Yellow Cab taxi service. How do you respond to Uber?
- You're part of the Google Search web spam team. How would you detect duplicate websites?
- The billboard industry is under monetized. How can Google create a new product or offering to address this?
Land that Dream Product Manager Job.Â
Recommended by Executives from Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle & VMWare