Day-Timer Daily Planner Refill 2016, Two Page Per Day, Traditional, Desk Size, 5.5 x 8.5 Inches (92800)
Day-Timer Two Page Per Day Reference Planner Refill Pages are a great way to keep organized every day. The set includes a year’s worth of loose-leaf daily planning pages and 12, tabbed monthly calendar pages from January to December. Hourly appointment blocks on each day provide clear and convenient scheduling from 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Sunday – Saturday. Times run down the middle of the left-hand page to provide two columns for detailed daily scheduling and notetaking. Ruled daily diary sections, to-do list and expense list shown on the right-hand page. Additional reference pages included such as: advanced planning, telephone and address and 12 monthly auto mileage and expense forms. Loose-leaf planner pages are printed on quality paper containing 30% post-consumer material. Pages are 5.5 in. x 8.5 in. for a desk size planner and pre-punched for use with a 7 ring planner cover.