DLP Projector DMD Board Chip 1076-6038B 1076-6138B 1076-6039B For Benq Sanyo Sharp Viewsonic Acer Optoma Infocus Samsung LG Nec PROJECTOR
This is brand new DMD 1076-6439B DLP chip. This 6439B revision is a direct replacement for any of the following revisions 1076-6038B 1076-6039B 176-6138B 1076-6139B 1076-6339B 1076-6439B. All these are the same model just newer revisions as the numbers gets higher. These are zero hour pulls from a brand new never used DLP projectors. Only time on them would be any quality control @ the manufacturer and my personal inspection that each projector functioned properly before disassembly. The DMD 1076-6038B and DMD 1076-6039B Chips were found to have a major flaw in their ability to maintain proper temp causing mirror seizure(dead pixels/white spots) which was improved in later revisions and the reason these chips are very in demand for replacement. The 6139B and 6339B were improvements and the 6439B is the final, most recent revision of this chip and the most reliable. The 6439B is the revision I currently have stock of. See TI's EOL report here. 1076-6339B_EOL For TI Replacement S Code(S = EXACT equivalent in functionality and parametrically) progression on the 1076-6X3XB Model = 6038B>6039B>6139B>6339B>6439B(current) Be careful when looking for a replacement not to buy another 6038B/6039B revision as they are the problem and you will end up back in the same position in short order with dead pixels. 6139B and 6339B revisions are better but if you want the most reliable revision make sure it is the 6439B revision. Also a warning. Some sell these stating replacement compatibility for 1076-601AB and 1076-602AB and while most the time it will work just fine it is considered under the P code for TI's replacement codes when comparing a 1076-6X3XB model to a 1076-60XAB model. There are a few minor differences/features which some projectors do not use and they can be interchangeable without issue but on a few that use the different features it can cause either compatibility issues or loss of a feature in the projector.