Cuban Cuisine "Ahi Nama" Best Recipes of the Islands - Caribbean Circle Cookbooks (Organic Caribbean Recipes)
Create your own Caribbean Circle of Friends with all the Cookbooks in this series of Cookbooks from Caribbean Circle cookbooks. This cookbook feature organic recipes from Cuba, one of the great islands of the Caribbean. Organic cooking is the cleanest way to eat these days, and with all these mouth watering organic recipes from Cuba, you will not be left without a tasty and nutritious meal to prepare for you and your family.
In the Caribbean we have a Circle of Friends from all the Islands in the region. We all share common ancestry from Spain, Africa, and Native "Indian" people to name a few. Organic cooking and Organic Recipes are common on the islands because we use produce and meats that are not spoiled with hormones and unnatural fertilizers (which is getting harder and harder every year).
We hope this book paves the way for your investigative and curious sense of taste, helping it delve in to the depth of the delicious Cuban cuisine!