Cuba Plane Reader - Get Excited About Your Upcoming Trip to Cuba: Stories about the People, Places, and Eats of Cuba (GoNomad Plane Readers Book 3)
Cuba Plane Reader: Get Psyched for your upcoming trip to Cuba!
Many travelers have wanted to visit Cuba for years. The combination of seaside vistas, the world's best cigars, the pulsing music and the friendly people all pull people from around the world into Havana. In recent years, US policy has loosened up, so it it more and more likely that you will be able to visit Cuba soon.
This collection of 32 articles from present a wide selection of stories about Cuban food, where to stay on the island, things to do in Havana and special places to visit in Cuba. It's the perfect way for you to get excited about your trip to Cuba...or just enjoy a slice of the country, from its backroads to the busy thoroughfares of the Viadero.
Selections in the 300 page photo-illustrated book include:
*Visiting an ancient village of the Tiano, Cuba's original inhabitants
* Sharing the Cuban women's Espiritu ceremony
*Where to eat in Havana and lodging in casa particulares
*Bicycling in the Cuban countryside in the Oriente region and staying with local families
*Vistiting Hemingway's haunts in Old Havana
* Where to buy the best cigars in Barbacoa
*The Valley of the Vinales, Cuba's hidden Shangri-La
If Cuba is on your travel radar, get the Cuba Plane Reader and begin making your plans to visit Cuba this year!