Crystal Reports 2011 for Developers
Crystal Reports 2011 is a powerful software tool for turning raw data into corporate decision-making information. End-users and report developers alike use Crystal Reports to extract and format information, and Crystal Reports is one of the most popular packages for corporate reporting. As powerful as it is, Crystal Reports is not known for having a gentle learning curve--in fact, many new users can find the task of extracting what they need from the program a daunting one. Fortunately for these new users, there's CRYSTAL REPORTS 2011 FOR DEVELOPERS: REPORT DESIGN AND INTEGRATION. Covering Crystal Reports 2011, Crystal Reports for Enterprise XI 4.0, Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010, and Crystal Reports for Eclipse, CRYSTAL REPORTS 2011 FOR DEVELOPERS: REPORT DESIGN AND INTEGRATION provides a solid introduction for any report or application developer just getting started with Crystal Reports. This book even includes chapters on integrating Crystal Reports into a .Net or Java application and the new SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise platform and design environment. Going beyond the sample reports that ship with the product, CRYSTAL REPORTS 2011 FOR DEVELOPERS: REPORT DESIGN AND INTEGRATION is filled with step-by-step essentials and real-world examples, showing readers how to take full advantage of Crystal Reports key features so that they can create information-rich, quality reports from their own data and integrate them into their own applications. Many of the chapters include exercises to give you additional practice in each area covered in the chapter. The files that correspond with the exercises can be downloaded from the Course PTR website.