Cross of Iron - A Squad Leader Gamette - The Game of Tactical Warfare on the Russian Front
From the instruction manual introduction section - If you read the descriptive copy on this game box, you already know that CROSS OF IRON is not a game in itself. Rather, it is a gamette or expansion kit for those who have already mastered the mother game . . . SQUAD LEADER. Unless you own the former, you'll be unable to utilize the materials in this gamette.
Whether you choose to use the rules which follow for the first twelve scenarios of the basic game is strictly up to you. There is no official version for any scenario and the rules to be used are a matter of personal choice between you and your opponent.
The new playing board, counters, and rules herein will enable the experienced SQUAD LEADER to expand his original game to include a greater variety of the myriad weapon and soldier types which saw action on the Eastern Front. Because SQUAD LEADER as a game system is so much more than just a game, we've included a greater variety of AFVs than actually see
action in our eight provided additional scenarios in the expectation players will want to utilize these vehicles in free form games of their own design, as well as in the scenarios of following gamettes in the series. The mapboard contained herein and in all following SQUAD LEADER expansion gamettes utilizes a .015 larger hexagon scale to correct an earlier deficiency in the SQUAD LEADER gameboards which kept them from being truly isomorphic. This will result in the original SQUAD LEADER gameboards not matching up perfectly with the boards in the expansion kits, but the new boards will enjoy a better interlock amongst themselves.