Critical Decisions: How You and Your Doctor Can Make the Right Medical Choices Together
€œAs a physician and a social scientist, Peter Ubel is unparalleled in his understanding of some of the most important decisions we are facing, or will face.€Â
€"Dan Ariely, New York Times bestselling author of Predictably Irrational
€œHis ideas are important, his style is accessible (with the right balance of humor and compassion) and his topic is timely.€Â
€"Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness and host of €œThis Emotional Life€Â
All too often, problems in communication between a doctor and patient can lead to bad medical decisions. As a practicing physician and a behavioral scientist, Dr. Peter Ubel has a unique understanding of this dangerous situation€"and in Critical Decisions he addresses the problem while revealing a new revolution in medical decision-making. Critical Decisions combines eye-opening medical stories with groundbreaking behavioral science research, while offering important information and common sense solutions to promote better doctor/patient relationships thereby ensuring that the right decision will be made in life-saving medical situations.