Criminals in the Making: Criminality Across the Life Course
Congratulations to Steve Tibbetts, winner of the Outstanding Professional Development Award at CSU-San Bernadino!
"This book is interesting, informative, comprehensive, andۥmore importantly for students of criminologyۥaccessible." ۥRobert Apel, University at Albany
"Without doubt, Criminals in the Making will spark debate, incite controversy and challenge mainstream criminological understanding."ۥTHEORETICAL CRIMINOLOGY
Why do individuals exposed to the same environment turn out so differently, with some engaging in crime and others abiding by societal rules and norms? Why are males involved in violent crime more often than females? And why do the precursors of serious pathological behavior typically emerge in childhood?
The authors of this text address key questions surrounding criminal propensity by discussing studies of the life-course perspective€•criminological research linking biological factors associated with criminality and social environmental agents thought to cause, facilitate, or otherwise influence one€²s tendency towards criminal activity. The text offers a comprehensive, interdisciplinary understanding of the current thinking in the field about criminal behavior over the course of a lifetime and ends on a positive note, highlighting interventions proven effective and illustrating how the life-course perspective has contributed to a greater understanding of the causes of crime.
Key Features and BenefitsÂ