Cream Hill Estates: Lara's Whole Grain Oat Flour 1.1 Lb (8 Pack Case)
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Cream Hill Estates: Lara's Whole Grain Oat Flour 1.1 Lb (8 Pack Case)

Cream Hill Estates is a small, privately-owned business producing and distributing guaranteed pure oats as rolled oats, oat flour and whole oat kernels (groats). Cream Hill Estates Lara's whole grain oat flour can be used to thicken sauces and gravies, and used in recipes. They are guaranteed pure oats that are free from contamination with wheat, barley, rye and other grains. Our oat products are ideal for the majority of people with celiac disease or wheat sensitivities. Some people with celiac disease may also have an intolerance to the protein in oats.