Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter Kit 6-DOF with Crazyradio
It's designed with development in mind and has an expansion header that enables developers to expand the platform as well as good software development support. Due to it's small size it's perfect for developing new software and can easily be flown inside. It can lift a payload of up to 5 - 10 g. More information at the Bitcraze website.
This is the 6-DOF version utilizing a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyro and thus capable of auto-leveling.
A 2.4 GHz radio chip (Nordic Semi) is used for receiving commands and sending telemetry data back to the host computer. The communication with the host is made possible by using the Crazyradio 2.4 GHz USB radio dongle. The Crazyradio can be connected to a PC (with support for Windows and Linux) but also to other hosts that support USB Host or OTG like Android phones. Mac OSX currently has beta support handled by the community.
The Crazyflie Quadcopter is shipped pre-programmed and can easily be wirelessly updated via a radio bootloader from a host PC, so no JTAG is required for reprogramming. For advanced development and debugging there's also an accessible JTAG interface.
Features Small and lightweight, around 19g and about 90mm motor to motor Flight time up to 7 minutes with standard 170mAh Li-Po battery Standard micro-USB connector for charging which takes ~20min for the stock 170mAh Li-Po battery On-board low-energy radio@1mW based on the nRF24L01+ chip. Up to 80m range (environment dependent) when using the Crazyradio USB dongle Radio bootloader which enabled wireless update of the firmware Powerful 32 bit MCU: STM32F103CB @ 72 MHz (128kb flash, 20kb RAM) 3-axis high-performance MEMs gyros with 3-axis accelerometer: Invensense MPU-6050 Available footprints to manually solder magnetometer HMC5883L/HMC5983 or/and barometer MS5611 (sensors not included)