Counseling with the Mind of Christ: The Dynamics of Spirituotherapy
In a world beset with complex traumas, insecurities, neuroses and despairs, the tendency has been to let the burden of guidance and counseling fall upon professionals whose training rests in the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry. Despite Bible directives to the contrary, Christians have largely relinquished their New Testament role as confidants and counselors. There is good reason, however, for the biblical emphasis on the Christian as counselor. Each and every believer possesses a healing power within himself sufficient to cure any psychological problem that might occur - namely, the Holy Spirit. Years of practical counseling experiences have convinced Dr. Charles R. Solomon that all disturbances have their root in the lack of a viable relationship with Christ. Here at last is practical step-by-step instruction on how both the Christian layman and the professional counselor can use recognized psychiatric techniques to define the scope of a problem and how he can turn that problem over to the workings of the Spirit. It is our duty and our privilege as brothers and sisters in Christ to build one another up in the Lord, and to use the difficulties that God sends into our lives as opportunities for spiritual, growth. COUNSELING WITH THE MIND OF CHRIST will enable the ordinary Christian to harness and appropriate the extraordinary power of Christ in conquering any and all of the challenges that life may bring.