Connect Composition Access Card for Engaging Questions
Connect Composition provides comprehensive, reliable writing and research content that is searchable, assignable, and inviting. Research-driven design of the fully integrated eBook captures students’ interest and propels learners towards attaining their college writing goals. Insightful details, including assignment reminders via Facebook, create a new, yet familiar experience for students, with learning content instructors trust. Superior Peer Review Tools and Editing Skills Diagnostic Tests round out this all-in-one, affordable writing resource for Freshman Composition and beyond.
In 2014, Connect Composition offers even greater value. Connect now gives instructors and program administrators the power to assess students, sections, courses, or entire writing programs based on learning outcomes. In Connect, instructors can create learning outcomes, tie those learning outcomes to specific assignments, evaluate student writing based on outcomes, and generate reports to insure that all students are properly focused on achieving the goals of the course.
Four-year student access ensures a dependable, up-to-date writing and research resource throughout college, at a fraction of the cost of traditional handbooks.
Less Managing. More Teaching. Greater Learning.