Computer Relaying for Power Systems
Since publication of the first edition of Computer Relaying for Power Systems in 1988, computer relays have been widely accepted by power engineers throughout the world and in many countries they are now the protective devices of choice.
The authors have updated this new edition with the latest developments in technology and applications such as adaptive relaying, wide area measurements, signal processing, new GPS-based measurement techniques and the application of artificial intelligence to digital relays. New material also includes sigma-delta and oversampling A/D converters, self-polarizing and cross-polarizing in transmission lines protection and optical current and voltage transformers.
Phadke and Thorp have been working together in power systems engineering for more than 30 years. Their impressive work in the field has been recognized by numerous awards, including the prestigious 2008 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering for their pioneering contributions to the development and application of microprocessor controllers in electric power systems.