Coming Clean: Breaking Pornography's Hold on You
Is it really possible to come clean once pornography has gained control of your life? David Powlison invites you to learn from a man called Bob, who experienced Christ’s deliverance from pornography after more than 25 years. In this interview, Bob explains how God helped him to recognize his sin and repent from it, enabling him to now consistently experience the joy of choosing purity. Walking through his journey and practical steps toward freedom—including repentance, prayer, counsel, and accountability—Bob’s story provides a face of hope for all who are fighting to come clean.
David Powlison, MDiv, PhD, is a faculty member and counselor at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) with over thirty years of experience. He has written several books, including The Biblical Counseling Movement: History and Context; Seeing with New Eyes; and Speaking Truth in Love; numerous minibooks, including Breaking the Addictive Cycle; Facing Death with Hope; Grieving a Suicide; Healing after Abortion; I’m Exhausted: What to Do When You’re Always Tired; I Just Want to Die: Replacing Suicidal Thoughts with Hope; Life Beyond Your Parents’ Mistakes; Recovering from Child Abuse; Renewing Marital Intimacy; Sexual Addiction: Freedom from Compulsive Behavior; and Sexual Assault: Healing Steps for Victims.